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Kriya Kundalini Yoga
- It facilitates living spontaneously to the fullest and fulfilling your desires in light of divine desires.
- When wisdom awakens clarity of thought and vision comes,
- WILL becomes strong, you come to an ease of life and live effortlessly
- Science of raising human consciousness which implies
- Awakening of Wisdom
- Development of Potentials
- Development of Creativity and
- Development of Skills.
- Aims directly for
- Raising one’s awareness
- Opening psychic centers(chakras)
- Bringing healing effect to the mind and body and
- Helping the practitioner to realize his own self.
- Most scientific technique for the evolution of mankind and save humanity from misfortune and destruction.
- Nice amalgamation of Karma, Jnana, Bhakti and Dhyana Yoga for the blissful life and spiritual growth of human beings.
- Essence of all the schools of yoga and is different and unique in its own way.
- Science of higher yoga, or we can also say that it is the science of Soul.
- Fastest and surest way for self realization.